
Spanish Mustangs

Posted by Saddle Up on Feb 14th 2018

In the 16th century the Spaniards traveling to America brought along horses. It’s them we have to thank for the beautiful, but rare, breed of Spanish Mustangs!

Although the Spanish Mustangs played a large part in the population of wild horses that roam North America, the true breed is very rare, but is slowly starting to come back after nearly being exterminated to extinction between the 1890’s and 1950’s.

It was towards the end of that time when a few ranchers decided to try and save these beautiful horses from extinction and began rounding them up and breeding them into captivity.

We have those ranchers to thank for the continuation of the amazing Spanish Mustang breed today. This is a horse that is small, very hardy, beautiful, full of personality, and incredibly rich in history. Let’s be thankful these amazing creatures are still with us today!

(free photo from Canva - )

~ Saddle Up