
Saddle Fitting Clinic

Posted by Saddle Up on Apr 9th 2015

(photo taken by Saddle Up)

Saddle Up will be teaming up with Bill Robinson of Colorado Saddlery to hold a Saddle Fitting Clinic at Colorado Horse Rescue on April 11th, 2015. We are so excited about this opportunity to educate more people on the importance of proper saddle fit and equip riders with the knowledge to check on their own!

At this clinic you will learn:

* What is a saddle tree?

* Why do saddles have a tree?

* How saddle tree's work for your horse?

* Why is there different types of saddle trees?

* How to check for a proper fit

* what features you should look for in a new saddle

* how to listen to your horse when it comes to saddle fitting

* .... and more!

For more information on times and registration please visit this website:

(photo taken from

"To ride a horse well, you have to know it as well as you know your best friend." --Katie Monahan Prudent

~ Saddle Up