Mustangs Among Us - Wild Herds in Colorado
Posted by Lynnsy Diekman - Saddle Up on Jun 23rd 2021
2. The Sand Wash Basin Herd
Now we travel just West of Craig, Colorado. On more than 157,000 acres, around 700 horses run free. This is The Sand Wash Basin Herd. They are very similar to Iberian Spanish breeds and even some Gaited breeds. This is right in the heart of the Rocky Mountains and these horses brave the intense weather. They experience cold deserts and hot summers, as well as mountain terrain. You can also find elk, prong horn, and white tailed prairie dogs in this area.
There is a famous Mustang in the Sand Wash Basin Herd that has become a fan favorite and horse legend. Picasso is a gorgeous paint stallion who runs a band in this herd. People travel hundreds of miles for the rare chance to spot Picasso in his natural home. He is breath taking, almost like a statue. He has Facebook groups, songs, canvas paintings, and poems, all dedicated to him. He was thought to be around 22 years old, but extremely majestic. Sadly, this Spring, no one spotted Picasso and people believe he did pass away in a different location. He will forever have a legacy as wild as his spirit.
3. The Spring Creek Basin Herd
Our next journey goes to Southwest Colorado, between Norwood and Dove Creek. The Spring Creek Basin Herd dates back to the early 1900's. The herd consists of Bays, Grays, Sorrels, and Paints. Roaming on 21,932 acres, the horses can be found in the rolling hills and mountains. There is a legend that goes along with the start of this herd. It is said that back in the 1900's, a Montana rancher came to the valley to sell of stolen horses. He was selling them to the US Cavalry. The law started investigating him and he high tailed it out of there, leaving the horses. Current ranchers have tried to manage the herd and keep an eye on them. Among the horses you can also find bears, mountain lions, falcons, and more.
These are amazing and beautiful creatures. It is important to know they are out there, but it is even more important to respect and honor them.
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