Happy New Year! 2015
Posted by Saddle Up on Jan 1st 2015
The start of a new year always holds the exciting opportunity for change to occur and dreams to be realized. It's easy to think of a million things you wish to accomplish and habits you wish to change to better habits. Many people think and write down their New Years resolutions/goals. Which is a great start! But how many of them actually come through?
Horse people are no exception, so here's 5 tips on how to make your horse resolutions/goals more possible this year:
1. Do you have a mental list of things you want to accomplish with your horses this year? If so, great! If not, take some time to figure out what you would like to do. It doesn't have to be huge. Sometimes the little things are the most impact.full. Once you have an idea of what you want to do write it down. Dedicate a notepad/notebook/journal to your 2015 horse goals. Write down all the things you'd like to do. Pick a maximum of 4 big goals you'd like to accomplish (you may have to go less depending on the commitment of the goal). If you have small goals, go ahead and pick a few of those too. Don't overwhelm yourself and don't feel guilty for not being able to get everything done this year. That's what next year is for! Make it realistic. Less is better, because then you'll be more likely to accomplish your goals.
(photo taken from cafepress.com)
2. Be detailed. In your notebook, write down all of the things that will need to be done in order for you to accomplish your goal. Break them down into smaller, concrete goals that you can easily accomplish in order to move towards the bigger goal.
3. Make your goals a priority. Revisit them as often as you need to remind yourself of what you're doing this year. It's easy to get sidetracked and lost when life gets busy. That's why writing things down is so important. It will help you stay on track.
(photo taken from behindhorseears.tumblr.com)
4. Do it. It's the simplest step, but also the hardest. But it all really comes down to doing it. The "reward system" is a great way to get things done. When you accomplish something, treat yourself to something fun as a reward.
5. Remember to be excited about your goals, especially if it's something you've really been wanting to do. Have fun and enjoy achieving your goals this year!
(photo taken from flickr.com)
"Riding is a partnership. The horse lends you his strength, speed, and grace, which are greater then yours. For your part, you give him guidance, intelligence and understanding which is greater then his. Together you can achieve a richness that neither can alone." -- Lucy Rees
~ Saddle Up