Posted by Saddle Up on Jan 31st 2019
Clinics are a great way to learn new skills that will help you and your horse achieve the goals you want! Whether it’s for a better performance in the show ring, faster time in timed events, better groundwork and manners, or if you’re looking for some help on something specific!
Clinics can be anywhere from one day to a full week. Price will depend on the clinician you choose to ride with and if you need to board your horse at the hosting facility.
You almost always have the option to audit a clinic, sometimes for free! This is a great way to pick up new tips without spending a lot of money as well as meet new people, get questions answered, and see if the clinician is someone you would like to work with!
There are many, many clinicians to choose from, so do some research and find one that best suits you and your horse’s needs!
(free photo from Canva - )
~ Saddle Up