
Horses and Kids Health

Posted by Saddle Up on Nov 13th 2014

(photo taken from

We here at Saddle Up just read a great article about the affect horses have on kids health, both physical and mental. We'd like to share some of the highlights with you.

(the full article can be found in the July 2014 issue of Western Horseman. It waswritten by Ryan T. Bell)

The article talks about how research is confirming what many horse folks have known for a while: that a child raised around horses is healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

Today's average child will possibly ride a horse once in their life and are not exposed to nature and animals on a daily basis. Our technological advances, though helpful in many ways, have put a stop to outdoor exploration.

Richard Louv, a journalist who wrote the book Last Child in the Woods, suggests that a correlation exists between children who don't spend time outdoors and the increase in childhood obesity, depression and attention disorders. Our nation-wide fear of germs has also assisted in keep kids more isolated from outdoor adventures. Sanitation is important, but it's gotten to the point where our hyper-sensitive methods may be doing more harm than good.

Microbiologists are discovering that human health depends on our interaction with bacteria. Bacteria has become a taboo word and is lumped together with germs, which brings images of sickness immediately to mind. But, there are good bacteria that keep humans guts functioning. Killing all bacteria will take a toll on a humans physical health. So how do we get these beneficial bacteria? Through a mother's milk, physical touch between humans, and contact with the natural world (things we touch, taste, breathe, and eat (so all our processed food isn't helping either!.) And, interesting to note: through our interaction with domestic animals.

(photo taken from

Are we saying that perhaps the healthiest thing for your child would be to clean a barn, groom a horse, hug a horse, ride a horse, and not have sanitation gel on hand? Yes. Cleaning a barn gives them movement, the satisfaction of a job well done, grooming a horse gives them contact with another living creatures (and gets them good bacteria!) creating an emotional bond. Hugging a horse works wonders for the spirit. And riding a horse? We could go on forever about the benefits of riding. Movement, being outdoors, working with a living creature, working towards a goal. And one of the best things of all? They're doing something real. Too many kids live in a cyber-world, with TV shows, video games, Facebook, ect... A fake reality where they may feel like they're going on adventures, but they're really not. Riding a horse, and even better, taking responsibility for a horse is real and something they will learn from, grow in, remember, and have a sense of doing something real. That's why farm and ranch kids are way healthier then a kid who spends all day inside eating Cheetos and playing video games.

The physical, mental, and emotional benefits of being around horses are immense. If you have a child that you think you would benefit from horse interaction, Saddle Up encourages you to pursue getting your child into riding lessons or volunteering at a stable. If finances are an issue we have many resources that will help your child interact with horses without the financial burden. Contact us if you are interested in any of these resources that will get your child out in the real world, doing real things. And leave the sanitation gel at home. Your child will be healthier having a day being dirty then any amount of sanitation gel will ever give them.

Check out our blog next week that gives tips on how to find a good riding stable if your new to the horse world!

(photo taken from Pinterest)

"Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self-esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls. They give us hope!"
--Toni Robinson

~ Saddle Up