
Barrel Racing

Posted by Saddle Up on Aug 8th 2014

Speed, sharp turns, balance, and adrenaline. This are some of the words that describe barrel racing. It's a fast paced event full of excitement and thrills.

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Barrel racing in essence is where horse and rider must complete a "cloverleaf" pattern, going around barrels, in the fastest time possible. The timer starts when the horse crosses the start line and stops when the horse crosses the finish line after successfully running all the barrels. Most of the common factors that determine a good run are the horse's mental and physical condition, the rider's skill, and the type of footing the race takes place on. Barrel racing is an event where the tiniest detail can make a big impact on the run time.

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Although both men and women barrel race and compete, barrel racing is primarily a rodeo event for women. Back in it's early days, barrel racing was developed as a rodeo event specifically for women. This days most professional barrel racers are women and barrel racing is very popular among younger girls.

Barrel racing equipment includes basic horse tack (saddle, saddle pad, cinch, and bridle). Some barrel racers will put protective boots on their horses legs for extra support and protection of the horse's legs.

Barrel racing has been around for a while and continues to be one of the most popular events in the Western riding world.

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"Horses lend us the wings we lack." --Author Unknown

~ Saddle Up